i2c_bcm2708 i2c-dev regmap_i2c
如果你使用B+,就在cmdline上添加 bcm2708.vc_i2c_override=1,如果是Pi 2添加 bcm2709.vc_i2c_override=1,这样就可以顺利编程,看结果:
pi@raspberrypi ~/hats/eepromutils $ sudo ./eepflash.sh -w -f=eep.eep -t=24c256 This will disable the camera so you will need to REBOOT after this process completes. This will attempt to write to i2c address 0x50. Make sure there is an eeprom at this address. This script comes with ABSOLUTELY no warranty. Continue only if you know what you are doing. Do you wish to continue? (yes/no): yes Writing... 0+1 records in 0+1 records out 105 bytes (105 B) copied, 2.07791 s, 0.1 kB/s Done.
其实这个和Beaglebone Black Cape EEPROM是一个道理的,至于eep.eep文件,是我用eepmake生成的,原始文件应该是这样的:
######################################################################## # EEPROM settings text file # # Edit this file for your particular board and run through eepmake tool, # then use eepflash tool to write to attached HAT ID EEPROM # # Tools available: # eepmake Parses EEPROM text file and creates binary .eep file # eepdump Dumps a binary .eep file as human readable text (for debug) # eepflash Write or read .eep binary image to/from HAT EEPROM # ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Vendor info # 128 bit UUID. If left at zero eepmake tool will auto-generate # RFC 4122 compliant UUID product_uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # 16 bit product id product_id 0x0055 # 16 bit product version product_ver 0x0003 # ASCII vendor string (max 255 characters) vendor "TaterLi" # ASCII product string (max 255 characters) product "Special 595 LED Board" ######################################################################## # GPIO bank settings, set to nonzero to change from the default. # NOTE these setting can only be set per BANK, uncommenting any of # these will force the bank to use the custom setting. # drive strength, 0=default, 1-8=2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16mA, 9-15=reserved gpio_drive 0 # 0=default, 1=slew rate limiting, 2=no slew limiting, 3=reserved gpio_slew 0 # 0=default, 1=hysteresis disabled, 2=hysteresis enabled, 3=reserved gpio_hysteresis 0 # If board back-powers Pi via 5V GPIO header pins: # 0 = board does not back-power # 1 = board back-powers and can supply the Pi with a minimum of 1.3A # 2 = board back-powers and can supply the Pi with a minimum of 2A # 3 = reserved # If back_power=2 then USB high current mode will be automatically # enabled on the Pi back_power 0 ######################################################################## # GPIO pins, uncomment for GPIOs used on board # Options for FUNCTION: INPUT, OUTPUT, ALT0-ALT5 # Options for PULL: DEFAULT, UP, DOWN, NONE # NB GPIO0 and GPIO1 are reserved for ID EEPROM so cannot be set # GPIO FUNCTION PULL # ---- -------- ---- #setgpio 2 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 3 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 4 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 5 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 6 INPUT DEFAULT setgpio 7 ALT0 DEFAULT setgpio 8 ALT0 DEFAULT setgpio 9 ALT0 DEFAULT setgpio 10 ALT0 DEFAULT setgpio 11 ALT0 DEFAULT #setgpio 12 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 13 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 14 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 15 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 16 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 17 INPUT DEFAULT setgpio 18 OUTPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 19 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 20 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 21 INPUT DEFAULT setgpio 22 INPUT DEFAULT setgpio 23 OUTPUT DEFAULT setgpio 24 OUTPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 25 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 26 INPUT DEFAULT #setgpio 27 INPUT DEFAULT