其实说开箱并不对,这是我自己Layout的板子,不过参考了不少人的例子.下载一下官方的例子.因为有很多个文件,所以... 提供链接:https://www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-62633/l/element14-core-peripheral-drivers-for-lpc4357-evb-example-1
解压Examples1和Examples2两个文件,其中Examples1解压到当前文件夹,Examples2解压到下层文件夹.打开Gpio LedBlinky的例子.轻松看到直接执行c_entry程序:
/* With ARM and GHS toolsets, the entry point is main() - this will allow the linker to generate wrapper code to setup stacks, allocate heap area, and initialize and copy code and data segments. For GNU toolsets, the entry point is through __start() in the crt0_gnu.asm file, and that startup code will setup stacks and data */ int main(void) { return c_entry(); }
#define LED1_BIT 17 //LEDUSB #define LED1_PORT 5 int c_entry (void) { /* Main Program */ SystemInit(); CGU_Init(); scu_pinmux(0x9 ,4 , MD_PDN, FUNC4); // P8.1 : USB0_IND1 LED GPIO_SetDir(LED1_PORT,(1<<LED1_BIT), 1); // M3Frequency is automatically set when SetClock(BASE_M3_CLK... was called. SysTick_Config(CGU_GetPCLKFrequency(CGU_PERIPHERAL_M4CORE)/1000); // Generate interrupt @ 1000 Hz GPIO_ClearValue(LED1_PORT,(1<<LED1_BIT)); while (1) { // Loop forever msec = 100; while(msec); GPIO_ClearValue(LED1_PORT,(1<<LED1_BIT)); msec = 100; while(msec); GPIO_SetValue(LED1_PORT,(1<<LED1_BIT)); } }